Today's Play by Play

7:00 ballet exercises
7:20 breakfast and quiet time
8:00 get ready
8:30 pay water bill at post office a quarter mile
8:45walk a mile to school
9:00 class
10:55 coffee with Lotta and Anna
11:20 class
1:00 walk a mile to to the post office
1:20 wait for a box for 30 minutes
2:00 eat lunch while checking emails
2:30 make to-do list, send out weekly team update
3:00 work on finances, talk to Priscilla, call investment firm
3:45 fix bent frame on bike
4:00 call Eda, call car-rental place in Germany
5:00 still calling car-rental place in Germany
6:00 fix toilet at the Crosser's apartment
6:30 go grocery shopping, chat with Bridgette in the aisle, spend too much time smelling cleaning supplies, get a little nauseous
7:00 go to pharmacy
7:15 go to fruit/veggie stand
7:30 go home, talk to Dave, eat Bruschetta with Pesto. Yumm-0, put away groceries
8:00 work on email
8:20 do homework
9:00 put away laundry
9:15 quick-clean house (company is coming tomorrow)
10:00 bath
10:30 bed


Mission Amore said…
Grazie molto!

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