Quick Up-Do for Short Hair
This is my favorite hair trick. My hair isn't long enough for a cute bun or pony tail, but this little gadget has saved many bad hair days, made me feel glamorous for events, and has kept my neck cool on warmer days. For real, it takes me about a minute and a half if I want a messy look (like I did today). For something super controlled and sleek, it might take me two and a half minutes.
It has been my go-to when I have had shortish hair and the awkward growing out stages. Here's the trick. Drum roll please. Louder drum roll. Thank you.
It has been my go-to when I have had shortish hair and the awkward growing out stages. Here's the trick. Drum roll please. Louder drum roll. Thank you.
Grab one and a few other hair gadgets and let's get going.
Start with dirty, curled hair. I mean, sprayed-jelled-hot-rolled-and-sprayed-again-80's-hair. Or you can use naturally curly hair (thanks, Dad!). Some days I scrunch it with jell so that it is really curly. It makes for a fun look. Other days, I straighten it and do big curls for something more elegant. Seriously, this stretch hair comb, is super versatile. If you do have thin hair, give it extra-extra jell and spray.
Put the comb in like a headband. It will seem tight.
Pull it back so that it makes more of a circle on your head. It will look like a really bushy ponytail. Do you want a low bun or high? Depending on any bangs and your hair length, you might have to find a sweet spot. When I haven't succumbed to the desire of cutting wispy bangs, I love it low on the back of my head. If needed, you can always tuck in those whips with bobby pins.
Now, with a large clip, lift the middle portion of your hair up and tuck the clip in. Make sure the hair will fall over the clip so it won't be seen.
Do that several places. I love the tiny Dollar Tree clips for around the edges.
That's it!
Ready for a hike or a wedding!