1 John 1:1-5
1 John 1:1-5
An Interactive Study Journal
As you walk through this journal, my prayer is that you will fall more in love with our Creator and Sustainer God.I pray that your heart is stirred by the noble theme of His love. I hope you find great delight in Scripture as it reveals Jesus and our eternal peace because of Him.
I'll be dividing each chapter of 1 John into four parts. Each part will have five pages that help you focus on Scripture. You'll see several ideas and even texts repeated throughout. During this study, you will be asked to interact with Scripture in creative ways so that you can process through the verses. This is not a contest for creativity, but a way to help your mind see and understand what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do. You will have many opportunities to pour out your heart to Him. Be slow. Be real. Be prayerful. Use your own gifting and creativity to help you hide these Scriptures in your heart and pray through them.
It is taking words of the Scripture and pondering them in such a way that your thoughts and feelings converge on God. I want your heart to be stirred and guided... rightly warmed and inclined toward prayer.
-Martin Luther in "A Simple Way to Pray"
Terms you will see:
Hand Lettering - Write it in a fancy to help you have time to think about it.
Create Motions - Make up your own sign language or actions to help you learn the scripture. For instance, if you have the word, "King", draw a crown representing putting a crown on your head. This visual and kinesthetic learning will help you memorize the verses.
Journal through Scripture - Write your thoughts and prayers around and within the text. Does something or someone come specifically to mind when you read a line? Write it there.